Saturday, 10 December 2011

NVT125: New Old Stock Preston Petty MX Front Mudguard

As mentioned in my first NVT post, the front mudguard is an American Preston Petty MX model. I trawled the web looking for NOS mudguards, and drew a blank until I read somewhere that Strictly Hodaka in the States had the original moulds from Preston Petty for the front mudguards.
I spoke to Paul, the gaffer, and he told me they had one left, with a tiny blemish, that I could have for a reduced price of $60.00. This was the last one off, made before the moulds broke! Timing is often everything in life!
Here is a pic of the existing one and the new one. It seems pretty clear they came out of the same mould, as there is a tiny 'casting error' blemish that is present on both guards. See red arrow.

So, I now have pretty much the complete set of key parts needed for the visuals of the bike, in this mudguard, the NOS petrol tank, the refurbished seat, and the NOS rear mudguard.

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